Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury (raise the double standard)"

Another hilarious e-mail from Governor Cuomo, one dated July 22, 2013 10:10 PM:
"Under the Governor’s leadership, there were also extraordinary achievements this session that added to the growing reputation of New York State as the progressive capital of the nation, including: [...] Nationally-recognized education reform continuing our work to create a world-class education system that prepares our next generation for the future."

At least he admits that New York doesn't yet have "a world-class education system that prepares our next generation for the future": that much was honest.

Where does New York have a "growing reputation [...] as the progressive capital of the nation"? Who would be so foolish as to believe it?

The most incredible part:

"The Governor also refused to compromise when it came to cleaning up Albany and dealing with public corruption scandals. He proposed a tough anti-corruption and reform agenda in Albany and gave the legislature a simple choice: Pass the legislation or face an investigative commission dedicated to rooting out corruption among public officials in Albany. This commission would determine the key weaknesses in existing law and propose reforms to address those weaknesses in such areas as elections, campaign finance, and the abuse of public office or public funds for personal gain."

Give me a break. Corrupt police, Inspector General, Attorney General, JCOPE, legislature, top court, etc. How about having everyone face an investigative commission dedicated to rooting out corruption among public officials in Albany regardless of whether the legislation is passed or not? That seems unlikely to ever happen under Cuomo (or any governor elected in New York of any party).

"For two and a half years, the Governor has been working to bring efficiency and integrity to Albany, and to create a government that offers the promise of a prosperous future for all."

If only.

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