Monday, March 25, 2013

The Keystone (Light) Kops

"No More Drunken Cops." Albany Times Union. February 22, 2013: A12.

City of Albany Police Chief Steven Krokoff has a BA from UAlbany, has been pursuing an MBA at UAlbany, and is also a SUNY Delhi instructor.

Krokoff's evidently a busy guy! When does he ever have time to look into what City of Albany Police officers are doing? Well...:

Aspiring TSA employees?

"Albany Police Chief Steven Krokoff was surprised to find out that his officers have conducted some 655 strip searches dating back to January of 2009".

TU Editorial Board. "Why so many strip searches?" Albany Times Union. December 12, 2012.

Once bitten...

"'I'm looking into our handling of it,' Police Chief Steven Krokoff said".

Lyons, Brendan J. "Cops chided in finger-biting case; Victim says police slow to probe attack that nearly cost her finger." Albany Times Union. January 31, 2013.

Bloody cops...

"Police Chief Steven Krokoff says his department was 'insensitive' when it conducted a training exercise that involved police firing blank ammunition and using flash grenades near occupied apartments at the Ida J. Yarbrough Homes.

"The chief said the department will review how it conducts 'neighborhood-based training' after Thursday's operation drew criticism from residents who said they were frightened by a chaotic scene that seemed real to them.

"Krokoff released a statement as photos of the incident spread on Facebook. The pictures showed armed officers in tactical gear as well as fake blood and spent shell casings that were left behind at part of the public housing complex that is now deserted and slated for demolition."

Stanforth, Lauren. "Police training exercise draws criticism; Residents of Ida Yarbrough describe explosions and gunfire; chief apologizes." Albany Times Union. March 25, 2013.

If Krokoff is given an MBA in spite of the questionable administration skills he's displayed in the service of Mayor Jennings, would that affect the value of MBAs from UAlbany at all?

Monday, March 18, 2013

"New York Open for Sending Business Elsewhere"

"New York needs to communicate that it is the place where businesses want to come and stay."

"Governor Cuomo Launches 'New York Open for Business' Marketing Initiative; Global Marketing Initiative Will Promote the Advantages of Doing Business in New York." August 24, 2011.

When the State University of New York, for example, outsources the printing of 8 1/2" x 11" SUNY diplomas to Michael Sutter Company of Heber City, Utah, is the idea that they're hoping Michael Sutter Company will come to New York? That's not going to happen; they print diplomas for other states too. Why doesn't the SUNY Press or some business based in New York print them? SUNY seems to like undermining Governor Cuomo's efforts.
University at Albany

Ordering diplomas used to be a big production, however for us, since switching to Michael Sutter, it is truly a non event. We simply press a button and the Michael Sutter company completes the diploma process in a few days.

- Maria Brown, Associate Registrar
If ordering diplomas is so simple it's a "non event", the matter of a few days, why is it that diplomas aren't sent from Utah until weeks after Commencement? It would make a lot more sense if they were available at Commencement. Is that the Michael Sutter Company's fault, or the UAlbany Registrar's?