Monday, October 12, 2015

Hearst's dirty cop Paul Berger appointed SUNY-wide Police Commissioner

A retirement ceremony for Bruce McBride, commissioner of the State University of New York Campus Police, was held Wednesday at the SUNY Plaza.

Paul Berger will replace McBride as head of campus police for SUNY.

"SUNY police commissioner McBride retires." Albany Times Union. July 2, 2015.

Naturally, the Times Union did not mention that Paul Berger had been a SUNY Albany police officer, or that the SUNY Albany Police had been paid extra to do security for the NY Giants summer football training camp that the Times Union helped lure to and kept at SUNY Albany (while the Times Union published a defense of hazing by the NY Giants), or that the Times Union publisher George Randolph Hearst III is the President of the Board of Directors of the University at Albany Foundation. The Times Union isn't exactly known for being scrupulous about their potential (or actual) conflicts of interest.
Because the Times Union covers the University at Albany, its sports programs and the Giants summer camp, there's a possibility for conflict of interest […] "We simply talk about this a lot and do our darndest to prevent it"

Bryce, Jill. "Giants camp gets new backers." Daily Gazette [Schenectady, NY]. July 19, 1997: B6.

Sure you are.

Dirty SUNY Albany cop Paul Berger appointed as SUNY-wide Police Commissioner. Had he ever dreamed incompetence and corruption would take him so far? Whether it be fudging his resume or providing false court testimony, he's come a long way!

While at SUNY Albany, Berger failed to solve the disappearances of Karen Wilson and Suzanne Lyall. (Wilson disappeared in 1985; Berger joined the SUNY Albany Police in 1988.) With Berger now as SUNY Police Commissioner, imagine how many more disappearances there will be that he'll fail to solve! With the shining example of incompetence and corruption that is Paul Berger, think of how many more incompetent and corrupt SUNY Police officers the public has to look forward to for years to come!

It makes one quite ill. The public deserves better than this. Victims deserve better than this.

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