Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Power corrupts" - Andrew "Corruption" Cuomo

        While looking at the long array of portraits, Cuomo noted that there are no plans for a picture of Eliot Spitzer, who served as governor for 14 months before resigning in a prostitution scandal.

        Cuomo also spoke about the corruption investigations and arrests that are shaking the Capitol, most recently with the arrest of former state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.

        "You've always had, and you probably always will, have some level of corruption," Cuomo said.

        "Power corrupts, and government is a source of power. You have it in the City Council, you have it in the state legislature, you have it in the Congress in the United States. So that continues. I've passed very strong ethics. I hope to get done this year. Because it really to me, casts a shadow on everything we've done."


If Governors can be denied portraits on the basis of corruption, not only should Cuomo not be given a portrait there's probably more than a few that should be removed! However, that sort of censorship would seem inappropriate.

As long as Cuomo (and many of the members of the Legislature, regardless of party) remain in Albany, we indeed probably "always will have some level of corruption."

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