Friday, September 6, 2013

UAlbany: where students aren't safe from retaliation for having reported academic dishonesty, sexual harassment, etc.

The e-mail I'd sent in reply to Ms. Altarriba's false accusation of inappropriate use of technology (it might not show, but I was extremely distressed by the extent of Jeanette Altarriba's amorality in the face of Michael W. Barberich's sociopathy):
From: Christopher K. Philippo

Subject: Re: Notice on behalf of the Department of Communication

Date: December 2, 2011 5:17:52 PM EST

To: Altarriba, Jeanette

Thank you for your interesting e-mail. The notice comes rather late, as the class disappeared from Blackboard for several hours without my having received any message from Dr. Barberich about my having done anything wrong. [There was a terrible irony in someone being permitted to anonymously accuse me through Altarriba, when "Clay-for-Brains" McNeill the Incompetent had claimed the obvious, egregious plagiarism and falsification by a student that I'd reported on the basis of the student's own paper posted in full view of the entire class would require me accusing the student face-to-face in a university hearing.]

Am I a "target [for retaliation from Michael W. Barberich]," as I had been wanted I would be, despite what you wrote me [that I would not be a target for retaliation from Barberich]? I don't know if you will appreciate the humor in this, but must I be "perfect" where he must not? ;-) [Altarriba had repeatedly claimed to me that my expectations that Barberich not engage in academic dishonesty, not engage in sexual harassment, etc. were perfectionism]

Actually, I must take strong issue with the characterization of my behavior as inappropriate, and would like that noted for the record, if there is a record. I was trying to do what the Student Code asks of me, but apparently I should not do that, or I grossly misunderstand it. I will not use Blackboard 9 to send any more messages to my classmates in Intro COM Theory, if that is what requested of me. I very much need to know: what specifically was inappropriate about my use of that technology? Please let me know at your soonest convenience.

Prof. Barberich, I observe, has used that technology to post lecture notes written by his TAs that he had not credited to them as having been authored by them. I have been trying NOT to follow the bad example he is setting, but perhaps my alleged inappropriate use of the technology inadvertently did follow his example. I have been doing the best that I can in an unacceptable class under very trying circumstances [Altarriba having forced me to continue to be subjected to Barberich's offensive and alarming behavior as a condition of receiving my Communication degree and graduating after I'd reported him and sought permission to drop the class], and evidently that has not been enough. Please advise.

Is his a proper use of the technology, I wonder: failing to credit his TAs with the significant help they gave him, that the Faculty Code of Conduct seemingly requires he do? [Faculty "avoid any exploitation of students for private advantage and acknowledge significant assistance from them"] What about any student in class who has posted plagiarized material in their Information Literacy Projects [as I'd reported to the incompetent McNeill], have they been so warned about their use of the technology?

"The lawful expression of a disagreement with the teacher or other students is not in itself 'disruptive' behavior."

You did tell Professor Barberich that he would have to tell the other students what he told me, that they could use their books and notebooks for the iClicker quizzes, when you spoke with him in private after our meeting, I trust? I hope you did! [I'd written her that she should.] He has yet to do so and only has one day of class left that he can [a class that he cancelled about a half hour before it was due to meet, a class I had no intention of attending given Michael W. Barberich's escalating sociopathic behavior].

What am I supposed to do about the assignment where I am supposed to answer a question from a classmate, or from a TA if no classmate responds? I believe, if I am not mistaken (hard to say, as he's been unable to get the date right) [as another student in class had pointed out, Barberich repeatedly expressing surprise at his own continual failures] the deadline has passed without my having received a question from a TA as he [falsely, as per usual] promised.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,

Chris Philippo

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." —Jorge Luis Borges

Altarriba, the habitual liar:

"Do not consider that you have become any kind of 'target' [for retaliation from Michael W. Barberich or UAlbany administrators] as some have suggested, that's simply not the case." Jeanette Altarriba to CKP, November 9, 2011 3:55:32 PM EST, "RE:what was your take on how the meeting with Dr. Barberich and me went?"

What she'd written was in response to something I'd written:

"Maybe the problem is all me or partly me, to some degree, possibly…. That's not the feedback I've been getting from retired or active professors at this university or at others, so at least I know it's not solely me. There's some other things that might deserve to be mentioned, and the old issues have continued, but that may be enough for now. Too much, maybe: some have cautioned me that by bringing such things up to you, in writing no less, I may only make a target [for retaliation] out of myself. Nevertheless, it still seems quite critical to me to raise these issues." CKP to Jeanette Altarriba, November 9, 2011 11:11 AM, "what was your take on how the meeting with Dr. Barberich and me went?"

In fact my advisors proved to be 100% correct.

Michael W. Barberich, being a particularly pathetic plagiarist, even plagiarized me in his wild efforts to keep the job he so hates doing, the job that he is so excruciatingly bad at that he has even had to make BA-candidate teaching assistants write his lectures and lecture notes for him in order to have something to present as his own work.

Clarence L. McNeill, after claiming he would speak to Dean Faerman and possibly Dean Wulfert about Barberich's crimes, spoke to Barberich and Altarriba and tipped them off that I'd reported them. Not preliminary to a hearing; there never was one - Barberich did everything he could to avoid one, given his guilt. McNeill claimed, after speaking to Barberich (or claiming to have done so), that Barberich feared I was targeting him. Barberich took my real fear of being target for retaliation by him for having reported his academic dishonesty, sexual harassment, etc. and claimed my fear as his own. Yet again, despite his PhD, he was turning to someone who did not even have a BA (me) to do his own work for him. Barberich escalated his lie to the corrupt and incompetent UAlbany police in his demonstrably false police report.

If only Barberich looked like the madman he is! He looks something like the actor David Burke who played the shlubby sidekick character Arthur the Moth on the short-lived FOX superhero sitcom The Tick. Barberich's acting skills aren't as good: he played contrite during a meeting with Altarriba, yet would on occasion erupt with irrational anger that put the lie to his act. I had written Altarriba that I would not meet with Barberich alone to go over exam questions without a witness to his behavior. She agreed to that, offering herself as the witness and her office as the location. I'd indicated that Barberich's perennial lateness to class might mean he'd be late for the meeting and I didn't want that. Altarriba's response to my concerns was to be terribly late herself for that meeting. When it quickly became apparent that Barberich had chosen to disobey Altarriba's instructions to him to bring the keys for the quiz questions and exams, rendering the meeting largely pointless, she didn't reprimand him or require him to go get them from his office down the hall. She instead stood by his every violation of faculty ethics and academic integrity. Why she has such a relationship with him would be interesting to know.

Someone at UAlbany interested in justice (I know there are such people), or someone interested in perpetuating widespread, open corruption there, I wonder? Linkedin is a bit of a tease that way.

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