Another student, who requested to remain anonymous in fear of retaliation from EOP officials, also remembered being put on “lockdown” for 48 hours. She explained that to satiate her need for human contact during those days, she forced herself to make undesired small talk with her EOP Student Assistant (SA).It should surprise no one. Hank Nuwer was quoted in the article commenting about UAlbany. I first wrote Nuwer about UAlbany's hazing problem FOUR YEARS AGO.Matias said her orientation group was put on group-wide “lockdown” twice.
Another punishment is known as “isolation,” and is given to students who commit individual conduct violation such as “showing shoulders,” or wearing clothing that reveals shoulders.
Matias explained that “isolation” was identical to “lockdown” but only for the student who had violated policy. Students on “isolation” in addition to not being able to speak with anyone, are required to remain with the group during free time, but are forced to sit apart from their peers.
Lembo-Stolba, Stefan "'Cult-Like' Atmosphere Found in UAlbany Summer Program." The Asp. October 25, 2016.
The State University of New York at Albany: Not the Normal School.
"As wise Minerva with Olympian rage/Perceives the follies of a careless age" — H.P. Lovecraft
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
UAlbany, home of hazing, itself engages in hazing
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