"'We know it's happening and we know it's not being reported, which means people aren't getting the services they need to help them heal. So we want to increase that possibility so more people report, so we can assist them, said Stenger.No shit UAlbany knows sexual assault is happening and that it's not being reported! But "proactive"? UAlbany threatens victims and witnesses and won't take reports when victims and witnesses try making them.UAlbany is trying to be proactive as changes and new regulations appear to be coming, nationwide
"UAlbany launches advocacy center for sexual violence." WRGB CBS6. September 16, 2014. http://www.cbs6albany.com/news/features/top-story/stories/ualbany-launches-advocacy-center-sexual-violence-19429.shtml
One of the chairs of the Women's Studies Department when I informed her I'd reported a professor for sexual harassment and that UAlbany responded by sending threats to me and my mother wrote me "let it go and move on." The other chairs of the department didn't even care to respond. When even the Women's Studies Department is committed to ensuring that sexual assault and retaliation for reporting sexual assault will continue at UAlbany, even escalate, and is willing to put evidence of their commitment in writing (knowing they'll never get in trouble for it) that's pretty bad.
UAlbany's been labeled a "party school", but psycho school might be more like it. Too many students (and faculty and staff) evince a lack of morals, ethics, you name it.
As town-gown relations between University at Albany students and Pine Hills residents remained precarious, city officials announced Wednesday the arrest of three UAlbany students on charges they attacked a neighbor's house early Sunday morning, leaving the front windows smashed and a porch couch soaked in urine....except that kind of behavior has been continually tolerated. What did Jennings do, for example, to prevent the "Kegs and Eggs Riot" from occurring? Nothing, naturally. What has UAlbany's admissions office done to stop admitting such students? Nothing - if anything, they've worked to further lower academic standards while applications for admission by felons went up significantly as UAlbany pursued Division II then Division I athletics.Mayor Jerry Jennings laid some of the blame on the university at a Wednesday morning news conference and warned students that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.
"Seeking to Calm Off-Campus Storm." Albany Times Union. September 26, 2002: A1.
And what of murder? UAlbany doesn't care about murder victims either.
A student was electrocuted to death in hazing incident in "Indian Pond" on campus, a pond that was known to be electrified. It had become electrified, apparently, due to a junction box that had been "inexplicably pulled out" and current that had run through an underground line from the physical education building which had been inexplicably sheared. All very suspicious, but UAlbany decided a student being electrocuted to death in a hazing incident "did not constitute hazing because no coercion was involved": how convenient for UAlbany, that.
UAlbany student Karen Wilson disappeared when she was headed back to Colonial Quad after getting off a bus on her way back from a mall. Rather than hire a new police chief who would be qualified and committed to solving her disappearance, UAlbany chose to hire ex-athlete, ex-coach, football fan J. "Frank" Wiley from Baltimore. Wiley had never so much as been a security guard in New York State. Not long after Wiley was hired (and failed to swear and file his Oath of Office the year he was hired), UAlbany student Suzanne Lyall disappeared when she was headed back to Colonial Quad after getting off a bus on her way back from a mall. Wiley gave an award to dirty cop Wendy Knoebel for her "excellence" the year she failed to solve the Lyall case: why? Wiley's so-called police department cared about solving the Lyall case so much that they misspelled Suzanne Lyall's name on their website and never corrected it. They ultimately deleted the page they had regarding her case entirely rather than correct and update it. They've seemingly never had a page about Karen Wilson's disappearance. How much do the corrupt and incompetent UAlbany police care about solving those cases? Clearly, not at all.
Gillibrand says Suzanne Lyall's disappearance in the spring of 1998 from the University at Albany campus encouraged her involvement in combating sexual assault. Lyall has never been found.UAlbany spokeman Karl Luntta says the university continues to pro-actively develop resources to assist and support all victims of sexual or relationship violence... "...through our advocacy center for sexual violence, and numerous campus resources and through training of staff and first responders and students, we are committed to providing a safe environment in which all our members are treated with dignity and respect. UAlbany takes the strongest possible stance against sexual violence in all forms."
Lucas, Dave. "Gillibrand Pushes Campus Assault Bill." WAMC. July 31, 2014. http://wamc.org/post/gillibrand-pushes-campus-assault-bill Gillibrand's "involvement" hasn't helped Suzanne Lyall be found. Even the State Police haven't cared to solve the case - they'd been spreading misinformation about it via their webpage for Lyall's case for years. They'd been asking the public to help identify a man for questioning who in fact they'd identified, located, questioned, and released years ago. The State Police have refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Law request concerning their mismanagement of the Lyall case, among other things. https://www.muckrock.com/foi/new-york-16/mismanagement-of-crime-tips-concerning-suny-albany-10741/As for the perpetual tool Karl Luntta's claim about UAlbany's alleged "strongest possible stance against sexual violence in all forms", that claim's only true if he's referring to the ferocity with which UAlbany retaliates against people who report sexual violence in any of its forms.
UAlbany: Rape & Murder U.