"a college that says, 'Nope, no rape here!' is likely a college that's doing everything it can to discourage victims from reporting, as numerous investigations have found – and a campus with a low reporting rate is likely a campus where rapists are free to keep finding more victims, as statistics show that most undetected rapists continue to offend. On the other hand, a university with a relatively high number of reported rapes is likely to be a place where victims expect to be taken seriously, and where rapists come to know that they may face real consequences."UAlbany bullshit (indicating they're a "college that's doing everything it can to discourage victims from reporting"):Friedman, Jacklyn. "Choosing a college? Look into campus rape rankings before you start packingEvery university has a rape problem. But when administrators discourage victims from reporting, potential students need to ask tougher questions." The Guardian. April 25, 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/25/college-campus-rape-statistics-reporting
RESPONSIVENESS TO COMMUNITY CONCERNS ‐UAlbany Police don't respond to some calls for service at all. "Followed up" is vague bullshit: hanging up on a student or deleting an e-mail reporting a crime could constitute "following up."100% of all crimes are followed up;
99% of calls for service were responded to within four minutes or less.
University at Albany Police Department cleared 50.3% of its crime cases; the national average is 20%.