Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Campus Security "Authorities"

"Identifying Campus Security Authorities" http://www.edurisksolutions.org/blogs/?Id=2147483690

SUNY, the US Department of Education, even (so far) Edu Risk don't really care about Campus Security Authorities being misidentified. SUNY and the US Department of Education seem to count on them being misidentified.

Not that identifying them properly is necessarily a help. Many of SUNY Albany's Campus Security Authorities actively obstruct the judicial system, assist in retaliation against witnesses and victims, and even send threats to students, students' families, and alumni. As things currently stand, that's not apt to change. SUNY has been robbing taxpayers and tuition payers blind for a very long time, and quite determined about continuing to do so indefinitely.


SUNY Albany's Police, like SUNY Police in general have been noted to be, are extremely corrupt. Giving J. "Frank" Wiley the job of Police Chief despite his lack of qualifications, his lack of respect for the rule of law and basic human decency, his preference for football-playing gang rapists over rape victims, and his general idiocy and incompetence is not unlike having the Fascistic character Cartman playing at being a cop on South Park.

"Welcome to academia"

Amy Wong: You called my thesis a fat sack of barf and then stole it?

Professor Morris Katz: Welcome to academia.

"That Darn Katz!" Futurama. Fox. 2010. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630897/quotes

Monday, February 24, 2014

"It Doesn’t Cost Money" - H.C. Dodge ca. 1891

It doesn’t cost money to have a good time,

        The world’s best enjoyments are free;

But those who find pleasure in folly and crime

        Will not with these true words agree.

                                                - H.C. Dodge