"Some of those that work forces, are the same that made passes," to paraphrase Rage Against the Machine.
• 19?? "high level", "high impact sports"
"I'm an aging former high level athlete. [...] More recently, arthritis caused by years of high impact sports was winning the battle. My back, knees, shoulders, and achiles tendon limited my motion and were painful."
Wiley, J. Frank. "Testimonials." Berkshire Massage Therapy. http://www.bmt.massagetherapy.com/testimonials
• 1981 Baltimore Colts training camp
"Frank Wiley, a Baltimore policeman who plans to attend as many practices as he can, said, ‘It is outstanding. Seeing the players close up, talking to them and getting to known them is just great. All the players I talked to thought the fans made them practice with more intensity.’"
Snyder, Cameran C. "Open practice scores with Colts and fans." The Sun [Baltimore, MD]. July 21, 1981: C7. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/baltsun/access/1850835422.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Jul+21%2C+1981&author=&pub=The+Sun+(1837-1985)
• 1993 Assistant college women's basketball coach
"Assistant Coaches [...] Frank Wiley (Sojourner Douglas [sic] '89)"
"UMES 1993-94 Lady Hawks Women's Basketball: Lady Hawks Quick Facts." Hawk Yearbook. University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 1994. 110. http://www26.us.archive.org/stream/hawk1994univ#page/110/
• 1996 New York Giants training camp
"The University at Albany Department of Public Safety was the primary law enforcement agency for the New York Giants' professional football training camp held at Albany in July and August of 1996. […] The hiring of temporary security officers assisted the University in providing 24 hour/day security for the Giants' work and living areas […] University Public Safety Officers staffed all Giants practices and meals. They worked with the Giants Organization in providing reasonable access to fans, while at the same time maintaining the security and safety of the players. The University and the Capital District community have described the Giants training camp as having been a great success."
"New York Giants Football." Dept. of Public Safety. SUNY Albany. Ca. 1996. http://web.archive.org/web/19970802165356/http://www.albany.edu/public_safety/whtsnew.html
• 1996 J. "Frank" Wiley hired as chief of UAlbany's peace officers
Though "a teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools and former [Baltimore, Maryland] police officer," at the time, and having been rejected by Oberlin College in Ohio earlier in 1996, SUNY Albany appointed Mr. Wiley as chief at age 40, though he'd evidently never previously served as a police officer in New York State.
"University Appoints New Police Chief; Former U. of Maryland Chief Takes Reins." University Update 20(1). September 4, 1996. http://www.albany.edu/updates/1996/9-4/otherarticles.html
• 1997 New York Giants training camp
The Schenectady
Gazette didn't report that the 1996 Giants training camp had been a "great success". It's unclear who might have, other than UPD above (perhaps UPD had even found it "outstanding"?):
The Times Union will pay $158,000 to the University at Albany for maintenance and security for the 1997 training camp, which began Friday. […]
the Giants training camp fell short of economic expectations.
Last year, the LADC said the presence of the Giants would mean increased sales revenue for the city, which would benefit residents.
The Center for Economic Growth projected an $18 million economic impact from the team. But local business owners, who had hoped out-of-town Giants fans would spend money by eating, shopping, and drinking locally, said last summer that business was much slower than expected.
Many also said fans didn't come from great distances to watch the team practice.
Because the Times Union covers the University at Albany, its sports programs and the Giants summer camp, there's a possibility for conflict of interest, said [Times Union publisher Timothy] White. 'We simply talk about this a lot and do our darndest to prevent it,' he said." The preliminary agreement signed in 1996 between the University at Albany and the New York Giants calls for the Giants to hold summer training camp at the university for five years.
Bryce, Jill. "Giants camp gets new backers; Newspaper agrees to help defray costs." Daily Gazette [Schenectady, NY]. July 19, 1997: B6 cols 3-6. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1957&dat=19970719&id=OFlGAAAAIBAJ&sjid=5ugMAAAAIBAJ&pg=1478,4239195
• 1997 Footballers on Patrol
In an effort to broaden the scope of the University Police Department’s (UPD) community policing initiatives, the Great Dane Ride Along Program has been created. The concept was put into action by UPD Chief J. Frank Wiley and head football coach Bob Ford. The Program will bring together officers of UPD and members of the University’s football team. The players will ride on regular patrol with the officers in two hour shifts.
“The program will expose the students to some of the problems University Police Officers face every day and at the same time will expose the officers to some of our student-athletes,” Ford said. “This is one of those things that only good can come from.”
According to Wiley, both the players and the officers are excited about this opportunity and so far, approximately 60 players have volunteered to participate in the program. He added that special planning will be used to ensure that the program will not interfere with the players’ academic schedules. University Police officers assigned to Quad Liaison duties will coordinate the department’s efforts. The program took effect after spring break.
"Great Dane Ride Along Program." highLIGHTS. University Update 20(13). April 2, 1997.http://www.albany.edu/updates/1997/4-2/highlights.html
• 2011-2012 Football Mentorship
"Establish an MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] with the UA Football program to create a leadership development opportunity for football players. MOU was established and signed and pilot program has begun" (38)
"An MOU for a new mentorship program (ATLAS) with UPD and the UA Football team was established."
"Student Success Celebrations." Student Success 2011-2012 Briefing Book. 43. http://www.albany.edu/studentsuccess/assessment/BriefingBook/UAlbany%20Briefing%20Book%2011-12.pdf
• abt. 1999-present: An ideal police officer = an ideal basketball player?
"And most importantly . . . my ideal officer understands that "gentlemen and gentlewomen consider the rights of others before their own feelings, and the feelings of others before their own rights."
Wiley, J. Frank. "Chief Wiley's Ideal Officer Profile." University Police Department. University at Albany. http://police.albany.edu/IdealOfficer.shtml.
One might suppose an "ideal officer profile" (whatever purpose that serves?) to be an evolving thing, changing in the light of new experience. Well, not so much:
"And most important . . . my ideal officer understands that 'a gentleman/gentlewoman considers the rights of others before his own feelings, and the feelings of others before his own rights.'"
"Department of Public Safety Mission Statement." UAlbany Police Department. http://web.archive.org/web/19990501192909/http://www.albany.edu/public_safety/mission.html
The 1999 version awkwardly transitioned from "gentleman/gentlewoman" to "his." The 2011 version has "gentlemen and gentlewomen" and "their," which at least matches. Neither seems to an actual quote, however.
Chief Wiley's quote about the most important characteristic of his ideal police officer is actually misquoted, unattributed advice from a UCLA basketball coach:
"A gentleman is one who considers the rights of others before his own feelings, And the feelings of others before his own rights."
Wooden, John with Jack Tobin. They Call Me Coach. 1972. McGraw-Hill, 2003. 146.
It doesn't strike me as particularly profound. It's much more concisely stated as "my ideal officers consider others' rights and feelings first."
Wiley's predecessor was forced to retire at 55; Wiley turned 55 in 2011. Though retirement doesn't appear to have been mentioned, he'd shown up on a short list of candidates for Chief of Police at the University of Illinois in June 2012.
Christensen was selected for the position after a nationwide search led by the Hollins Group, which is the firm that assisted in the search leading to Barbara O’Connor’s hiring in 2008.
The search turned out three finalists: Christensen and two candidates from outside of the University. Frank Wiley, chief of police at the University of Albany and Penny Fischer, police inspector at Michigan State were the other two finalists. A committee headed by Renee Romano, vice chancellor of student affairs, chose to recommend Christensen for the job.
Vazquez, Steven. "Christensen named University police chief." Daily Illini. June 10, 2012. http://www.dailyillini.com/article/2012/06/christensen_named_university_police_chief